Fuck New Jersey Transit Busses

I live in New Jersey and don't have a car, so I have to rely on public transportation while I work on getting a driver's license. What I have noticed about the bus system in New Jersey is that it's so inconsistent with driver's who are too comfortable with their job.

Now I'm not saying that you should complain to the driver's themselves. You don't really gain anything from complaining to a service worker because they're just trying to do their job. The problem is that some of them are kinda just not doing their jobs... There's one driver who will randomly skip some people flagging down the bus at bus stops and pick up others.

Below is a table of busses that have fucked up. some information is redacted in order to save privacy for me. The table has started since July 23rd, 2024 due to the day prior I had to wait 2 hours in the hot muggy outside :(

Each color is a specific bus route in order to make the specific route "private".

Day Departing Town Ending Town Scheduled Time Actual Time Notes
07/23/2024 Paramus Passaic 8:40 8:41
07/23/2024 Paramus Bloomfield 9:50 9:50
07/24/2024 Paramus Passaic 8:00 8:00
07/24/2024 Paramus Bloomfield 8:40 8:40
07/25/2024 Paramus Passaic 8:40 8:41 App didn't show any bus arriving at the stop.
07/25/2024 Paramus Bloomfield 9:15 9:15
07/29/2024 Paramus Passaic 8:40 8:38
07/29/2024 Paramus Bloomfield 9:15 9:23 Stopped halfway in Passaic despite saying Bloomfield on the bus and app.

If you work at New Jersey Transit, please contact me and I'll send you the detailed list with the bus route and bus number of that specific day. I will also eventually be mailing this information out to the congresspeople in my district as I'l really getting tired of how horrible this service is.

A complaint about the New Jersey Transit app

I think a problem with the bus system is that the app used for tacking busses, seeing when busses are going to arrive and buying tickets is broken. I don't know if the bus driver has to input the end destination or if it's supposed to be automatically detected, but the blue bus line will will say that it goes to Passic Bus Terminal in the app, but the bus itself says it will finish at Garfield and the purple bus line will say it goes to Bloomfield but end in Passaic. It's pretty annoying assuming I can go into the last bus zone but then be told that the bus is at it's "last stop". They really need to fix this as well.